Thursday, February 28, 2008

Light Bulbs and Darkness in Jamaica

I am pleased to see the steps being taken by the judicial system to sort out the mess that is the “Cuban Light Bulb Scandal”. It shows that the country is on a new path of accountability, and those who put themselves up to serve the interests of the public must not only enjoy the power of the position but also bear the responsibility.

However, I am surprised that no comment has been forthcoming about the PNPs earlier investigation in the matter shortly after the news broke. Today they have proclaimed themselves to be firmly against corruption but just a few short weeks ago thought it entirely appropriate to establish a panel to investigate the matter themselves. It was like setting the cat to guard the milk. The panel itself was of dubious expertise and unsurprisingly found that there was nothing of an illegal nature to cause concern but merely some mishandling on the part of their Minister and his Junior Minister. Such a result, viewed in the light of what has since transpired, is telling. It tells us that we cannot trust our leaders who claim to have no tolerance for corruption.

The scandal ridden 18 ½ years PNP administration has much to answer for. I do not subscribe to the view of this being a witch hunt. It is simply a matter of matter of accountability in government. Accountability of our public servants to those whom they have pledged to serve - the Jamaican people. I believe that if Jamaica gets used to this idea of accountability we will be on the road to solving many of the issues of governance that we face and be better able to address the negative fallout from its poor practice. This is not a political issue, and I advise Jamaicans to put down their party mantle in this battle and put on the armor of justice for the cause of Jamaica. I for one expect proper governance from any party who is going to serve me.

Additionally, to those who would seek to dismiss all this as a matter of “inefficiency and deficiency” I say Come on! Such thinking is just darkness. How long we can excuse such poor handling of the people’s business while the people toil under the economic fallout of the consequences? The child in that inner city school with dreams of being a doctor but having no proper lab equipment to learn with deserves better. The patients who go the KPH and can’t be accommodated in a comfortable facility in their time of illness and distress deserve better. All of us who rely on government services deserve the proper use and administration of our resources. We worked hard for it and we simply deserve better than it being squandered by inefficient government officers who live their lives removed from the very hassles of these concerns because of their privileged positions.

1 comment:

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